Last year as I taught the new CHW3M and CHY4U courses I set for myself some personal challenges:
- try to implement the curriculum changes as fully as possible.
- try to bring inquiry into each lesson in some way.
I spent a lot of time with the curriculum document – it’s heavy but it’s all marked up now.
I can’t say that I was fully successful, but I’m proud of the efforts I did make. I took a lot of mental notes on what to change next time.
Here are some pointers I’ve developed to help me keep up the challenge and to communicate to other interested people what I am doing. Note: this PPT changes a lot as I add new things and develop my thinking.
The transition is hard but it’s worthwhile.
Becoming an Inquiry Teacher (Nov. 28 update)
Please follow this link to the course survey.
Many thanks:)
Ms. G
Speculation abounds on whether Tut’s tomb was just a rush-job and was really a part of a larger tomb, maybe Nefertiti’s.
Tomb Article
Scientists on the Verge of Finding Queen Nefertiti’s Secret Tomb, Daily Mail Online, Nov. 7, 2015, (Dec. 7, 2015)

Goodbye, everyone. Thanks for a great semester! Grade 11s – see you at Course Fair on Feb. 13.

Students of Ms. G:
Please complete the appropriate course evaluation survey online.
For grade 11 (CHW3M)
For grade 12 (CHY4U)
Thank you so much for your assistance.
I was looking for an interesting image to adorn a slide on which I discussed the Trial of the Assassins, an activity I do in my grade 11 world history class. I found this coin that was made by Brutus just after he and his co-conspirators killed Caesar. It was put on display in March, 2010 at the British Museum on the 2054th anniversary of his death.
Thanks for a wonderful semester.
- Grade 11s (in person and in drawings)
- Grade 11s
- Some of the grade 12s
Hi everyone:
Instead of a course-specific questionnaire, I have created a very open-ended survey. Please follow the link and fill it in. Thank you in advance for your feedback, positive or negative. I take it seriously and appreciate it very much.
I had a wonderful semester in both grade 11 and grade 12 history thanks to you!
Ms. G
Thanks for a great semester!