Because I started shooting macro photos without a tripod I am very hesitant to use one; it feels so restricting. Once in a while, usually the day after I take some photos and realize it would have been nice to have one, I go out and give the old tripod a try.
Here are some before and after – well, tripod and no-tripod from the backyard again.

with tripod

with tripod
Compared to this image you can see the far left “leaf” is out of focus.

with tripod

plain old plywood that has been outside for 14 years – no tripod
It’s macro time again: respecting social distance, I only went to my backyard. Here are the little signs of life.

Lichens are always there but they have an especially space-like aura right now.

Lastly, there’s my inanimate nemesis: rust – it’s so hard to get the colours right. This time, I went for the shape.

Credit recovery affords me a lot of range; this semester it’s grade 9, 10 and 11 English and ESL B (plus Canadian History, Civics and GLS). The Great Gatsby was a difficult read for me – just didn’t love it. Compared to Of Mice and Men, which I did first semester, The Great Gatsby was heavy and plodding. Are people allowed to speak of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s work that way?
Luckily, I finished all my Shakespeare work before March Break! I really enjoyed Othello this year – it’s plain enough that a non-fiction type such as myself can actually get it. I’m okay with Macbeth, but I have somewhat negative feelings toward A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Maybe because I’ve never been taught this play I can’t quite figure out its appeal.

Good thing I love grammar!
I guess it’s good to branch out. Adaptation is the key to survival in our new normal.
Richard is the boss! He watched us eat dinner from this perch last night.

This is what happens to Val when he uses a mouse during his online video meetings.