Cat Characteristics

By , January 24, 2015 3:13 pm

Just in anticipation of a new semester, and thus new readers who will be introduced to Fletch, Shadow and Bailey, I want to boil each cat down to its essence. I’m watching a cooking show right now so that’s where the boiling reference comes from.

Fletch is 15 years old. He has been a diabetic for nearly 10 years. Until recently, that is. He has not had any insulin shots for the last 3 weeks. However, what I have noticed is that he still craves the shot. Sometimes he’ll stand over his bowl waiting for it. The other day I had to simulate the shot by poking him to get him to eat. Therefore, Fletch’s characteristic is hypochondriac.

Shadow is about 5 years old. She pretty much sleeps all the time atop the heating grate. She is a playful if lazy cat who enjoys lying under a newspaper. As she gets bigger and lazier she has acquired her chief characteristic; I call it stop and drop. She will lie anywhere, at the drop of a hat.

Bailey, of unknown age but probably about 8 years old, is a timid guy. His only other trait of note is that he is major whiner. He is like an alarm clock – wakes me up if he is ready for his food and I’m not.

I love them all.






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