An Afternoon at Presqu’ile Provincial Park
We spent Saturday afternoon at Presqu’ile Provincial Park, which is less than one hour from our cottage. Located on Lake Ontario just south of Brighton, it is known as a birder’s paradise. Unfortunately for us the birds have moved on, however, we primarily went to revisit the marsh boardwalk we first experienced last summer. The pictures betray my amateur photographer’s status as many of them are taken in harsh afternoon sunlight leading to nasty shadows and flat texture.
- A marsh full of cattails.
- Meadowhawk.
- Monarchs everywhere.
- Vibrant colours: monarch on goldenrod.
- The marsh had ferns aplenty.
- At the end of the marsh boardwalk there is a bizarre forest of misshapen cedars and knobbly cottonwoods. This is the bark of a cottonwood.
- Graffiti.
- An intricate starfish-shaped flower.
- On the last lookout over the shorebirds' beach there are hundreds of birds' bones betraying the harshness of nature.
- Bird bone of some sort with an interesting, sponge-like texture.
- On Lighthouse Beach at the farthest tip of the park this frog seemed either terrified or unfazed as it rested in its algae pit.
- As the wave came in the frog remained in place.