Global Gathering – Unit 1 Culminating Activity

At the end of our unit we will come together in role to discuss this inquiry question:
to what extent was the world truly “global” at the time of the Renaissance in Europe, approximately 1500? Who was in it? Who was excluded? Is it fair to call this a global time?
Step 1. Choose a role.
Step 2. Do research on these three questions (point form notes using note-taking template):
- Connections to the global world (how your character interacted with parts of the world other than his/her own – could be through trade, exploration, curiosity, awareness, missionary activity, etc.) –
- Contributions to the world: positive –
- Blind spots / biases / prejudices / global limitations / negative influences and consequences
Step 3: Write up your research in three paragraphs. Cite all evidence in proper Chicago style footnotes.
Step 4: Bring your notes and write-ups to the global gathering and participate in in-role discussion to come up with an overall answer to the inquiry question. There will be jamboards for you to use to answer some sub-questions.
When to cite: every time you write something that you gathered from research, you must cite. Otherwise, you are plagiarizing.
Which sources to use: TDSB Virtual Library databases (history reference centre, global issues in context, Britannica)
When to use HTC: HTC is just a tool to help you analzye more deeply. So, whenever you make a connection to continuity and/or change, or view something from the point of view of a particular historical group (historical perspectives), you’re using HTC. The key is to use a wide variety of vocabulary to help you express these HTC connections. You are not limited to these two HTCs, but they are probably the most likely to be used.
Should you use primary source evidence? Since it is the best kind of evidence, yes, if you can. Make sure to cite it. And remember quotes can’t float. Integrate quotes into your writing.
Exemplar by Ms. G: