Documentation For History Essays (plagiarism caution)

By , September 2, 2012 7:52 am

Rules and examples for using Chicago style.

Speaking of style!

Be advised that if you use (in quotes or paraphrased in your own words) anyone else’s ideas or words without citing the source, that is considered plagiarism. There are severe penalties for plagiarism. That is why Ms. G will not accept any document without citations. If copying is found, even with a citation, you will be guilty of plagiarism. Your intent is irrelevant. The act of not citing is the key.

To practice determining if plagiarism is being “committed” follow this link.

Here is another place to practice paraphrasing (Purdue OWL is an amazing site for all things related to research, style, and citations). If you go to the next page, paraphrasing exercises, you can practice, then see the answers on the next next page.

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