Maple Leaf Gardens Protest
Lonely in a crowd again. I couldn’t find anyone from YM so I joined the march and ended up in a great spot right in front of Maple Leaf Gardens. Teachers make great signs.
Lonely in a crowd again. I couldn’t find anyone from YM so I joined the march and ended up in a great spot right in front of Maple Leaf Gardens. Teachers make great signs.
As a surprise Val took me to the PrimRose donkey sanctuary in Roseneath, about half an hour away from our cottage. Here are some of the lovely donkeys and mules. They take donations if you’re interested.
On Christmas day I checked out my backyard: what a mess. However, there’s always something to take a picture of. This time I tried to shoot some man-made things as opposed to just my usual leaves and natural detritus.
OISE students: I enjoyed presenting to you. Best of luck at your first practicum. Please email if you need anything else.
Read this article. While I wholeheartedly agree that distracted driving is a major problem, I dislike the fact that the Wheels section of the Toronto Star is the same entity that promotes all kind of driving-related gadgets. Hypocrisy?
Leaf litter is such a misnomer. In reality fallen and torn leaves can be quite beautiful and abstract. Photography manuals always say to choose the best, most perfect leaves and flowers as subjects. I prefer the most chewed up ones.
On Saturday Sept. 22, Food Share, a Toronto charity, is hosting an open house at the Ontario Food Terminal. This is a unique opportunity to see what goes on at this hub of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Go to Food Share’s website to see details on Fresh Fest.
Ontario Food Terminal, 165 The Queensway, Etobicoke.
$10 per ticket.
I am going with my Mom.
IT WAS AMAZING: not quite where your food comes from, but definitely how it gets to you! Here are a few photos to start…
Signs of fall were emerging even on the lovely afternoon of August 26 at Celebration Forest in Rouge Park.
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