First Two Books of the Summer

By , July 17, 2013 5:50 pm


The Judgment of Paris: The Revolutionary Decade that Gave the World Impressionism
by Ross King

My first book of the summer.

Ross King, whose other art history books I have read and enjoyed  – Brunelleschi’s Dome and Michelangelo and the Pope’s Ceiling – is a writer who really gets the idea of social transformation. That is probably why I am so attracted to the late nineteenth century, the era in which the book is set. While society was changing, artistic tastes were slowly catching up. King does a beautiful job of illustrating this by chronicling and juxtaposing the rise and fall of artists Ernest Meissonier and Edouard Manet. Aristocratic tastes and subjects fell while more common, perhaps provocative, ones rose.   Impressionism is so popular today that it is intriguing to read about the original intensity of reactions against its newness. Like any technology or social movement, artistic styles are reflective of their social surroundings.

It’s a good lesson for me; I’m the person who grinds my teeth when I see people glued to their cellphones, yet I have three impressionist posters hanging in my house. How revolutionary I would have been in the 1870s.

Product Details


The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America

By Erik Larson

My second book of the summer turned out to be an easy read, highly enjoyable even though some of its subject matter is dark. It is the story of Chicago’s World’s Fair, held to honour the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ “discovery” of America, though technically it opened in 1893 rather than 1892. The parallel story is of a medical doctor who goes on a secret murderous rampage of young women and their children who stay in his hotel.

While the book is interesting in its contrasts of the two main characters, fair lead Daniel Burnham and murderer H.H. Holmes, its main interest for me is the description of society in the 1880s: the easing formality between men and women, the competition between New York and Chicago, and between Chicago and Paris, the previous host of the world’s fair. In third or fourth year university I took a course on popular culture in which I read a book called Highbrow/ Lowbrow: The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America that gave me my first introduction to the White City, the nickname for the buildings designed for the fair that were all painted white. I can’t recall if they were highbrow or lowbrow, so I’ll guess lowbrow.

Though this is not technically a history book (unusual for me) it is well researched by Larson, an investigative journalist specializing in true crime.


Camo Frog

By , July 12, 2013 9:22 am

This guy (maybe she’s a girl) lives in our pond and is very still while being photographed.



July Colours

By , July 7, 2013 5:17 pm

Here are some recent photos with the 200mm macro lens.

I Love My School

By , June 27, 2013 6:25 pm

Today, reading an article about a public school closing for good tears came to my eyes. I definitely cry easily but there was something very close to home about the subject. My public school closed two years after I left it. I guess I never said goodbye. The building is still there and I love to sneak a look whenever I’m walking by – it’s very close to my mom’s house

Of course a school is more than its walls and rooms and desks. However, those structures are something special. Today, on the last day my grade 12s would be in the school, I told some of them to say goodbye to the room. I definitely love my room and try to take good care of it. I’m even nervous about who might be occupying it during summer school.

My students are absolutely more important than the room. But together in the room we have fun and we learn. That is why I feel so sad for the staff and students of Pringdale Gardens Jr. Public School in Scarborough. They are saying goodbye to their places and memories.

As The Beatles sang,

“There are places I remember

All my life, though some have changed,

Some forever, not for better,

Some have gone and some remain.”


I love you York Mills. I miss you Fairmeadow. I feel for you Pringdale.



Last Day Pictures

By , June 16, 2013 9:48 am

Thanks for a wonderful semester.

End of Year Comments

By , June 11, 2013 2:57 pm

Hi everyone:

Instead of a course-specific questionnaire, I have created a very open-ended survey. Please follow the link and fill it in. Thank you in advance for your feedback, positive or negative. I take it seriously and appreciate it very much.


I had a wonderful semester in both grade 11 and grade 12 history thanks to you!

Ms. G


Ms. G Shows Up At Prom

By , May 18, 2013 12:05 pm

I made it. Here’s the evidence. You all looked amazing.

Ms. Djemel’s Last Day

By , April 9, 2013 6:50 pm

Sorry for the belated goodbye pictures, Ms. Djemel. Remember us.

A Lovely Sunday Afternoon

By , March 12, 2013 5:30 pm

Quick, before spring’s temporary arrival is over here are some pics from a visit to the Ganaraska Millenium Conservation Area . This is my second time using my new 180mm macro lens – just getting the hang of it. Though everything is still brown the sun makes it look happier.

Using Graphs in Social Science

By , February 14, 2013 10:31 pm

Thank you for coming to my presentation. Please email me if you have any questions (

If you have questions about the Scattergraph Assignment I can send you some of the data or the assignment.


StatsCan Animated Population Pyramid

Population Growth in Canada, observed and projected (graph I mentioned that wasn’t in my presentation)



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